About us
We have been running this camp since 2015. In addition to lifelong experiences and friendships, we have been able to pass on a positive attitude towards English to hundreds of children and young people.
In our camps, mentors from all over the world - foreign students - and children meet with English as a common means of communication. The experience that everyone from Canada, Japan to Peru, to Fiji can be addressed because they have a common language gives children a huge boost to learn English boldly and curiously at school, at home, or on their own.
Our mission
We believe that communication - and not just language - is an opportunity to learn something new. We experience a fantastic meeting of foreign countries and cultures every summer and we are happy to see how curious and open Hungarian children are to these new impulses. In a comfortable atmosphere, we help campers overcome their fears during language learning, develop their courage and curiosity and let them play. In English.
Quality, safety, responsibility
In addition to the diversity and professional validity of our program, we consider quality to be the primary concern; ensuring the physical and mental integrity of our campers and colleagues, the right conditions, professional staff, and excellent care. All of these are the conditions for a meaningful and beautiful summer holiday for the children and an excellent place to work for our mentors.
Comfortable, clean,
close to nature
All our campsites are located in close proximity of nature. However, being close to nature doesn't mean sacrificing comfort! Our campsites are meticulously maintained, with clean and functional rooms equipped with everything your child needs for a restful night's sleep. Spacious common areas, sparkling bathrooms, and dedicated campfire spots ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all.
Ausztriából járunk az angol nyelvű táborba mióta is? 6 éve? Egy nyarat sem hagytunk ki, még a COVID sem tudta Dani fiamat visszatartani. A "gyerek" most 17 éves, és az utóbbi években már ifivezetőként vett részt. Mindig szívesen jött, örömmel készülődött. A táborvezetőkkel baráti viszony alakult ki az évek során és a többi táborozóval, ifivezetővel (néhányan szintén "törzsvendégek" ) is remekül megértik egymást. Soha nem történt vele semmi kellemetlenség, egyszer sem hívott, hogy jöjjek érte. Néhányszor magyarul nem tudó barátait is elvittük és ők is nagyon élvezték! Az angoltudása elképesztően feljavult! Idén nyáron már három hétre szeretne maradni! Egy kamasz nagyfiú önként és dalolva, szeretettel és várakozva megy táborba! Szerintem ennél jobb ajánlást nem is lehet adni!
Muzsik Marianna (szülő)
A tábor minden egyes percét élveztem! Rengeteg sok új angol kifejezést tanultam és már alig várom a következő évi tábort!
Mogyorósi Kata, 18
Camp was great! I never had so much fun learning English before. It was full of cool activities but we also had enough free time. During this one week I not only made new friends, I also created memories that will last for a long time. The campers learned about different cultures and interacted with people from all over the world. I can't wait to come back next year for more than one week!
Lászlo Anna, 14