The Canadian background
The idea to create a language camp came from Canada where internationality and a common language meet.
The feeling of life, the ease and the stress-free atmosphere come from Canada as well. We bring new attitudes to learning, experience and knowledge of language teaching from Canada. Furthermore, a significant proportion of our regular and occasional colleagues come from there.
Small camps, small groups
Because we work in small camps with small groups, there is always the opportunity to build individual relationships. We try very hard to pay attention, to safety by staying close to the campers and helping where needed.
Summer-style language lessons
This is what we call the sessions in which we sit the kids down a bit between lots and lots of moving games. The activities led by our foreign mentors do not resemble the usual language lessons. However, we try to challenge our older campers more and more, but we never give up on making learning a pleasure.
Games, movement
Mentors from foreign countries always bring games unknown to us. They’re also open to kids teaching them about our favourite games. Because of our Canadian roots, we introduce baseball to every session, and if they like it, we play a lot of it as well.
We always have so many programs and activities that there is little free time during the day. All of this in English, of course.
From Sunday dinner to Saturday breakfast, we provide four hearty meals a day, but if the kids are still hungry, there is always extras. Children arriving with sensitivities and allergies will receive an on-site diet menu, taking into account the possibilities of the restaurants, or we will provide adequate and safe food from separate food suppliers.
We plan three beach trips per turn in the program. We always bathe in the late afternoon on a paid, safe, well-developed beach. As Lake Balaton is dangerous, we always go into the water with extremely strict rules.